Monday, 3 August 2009

English Literature Grad Screws Up Father's Business

Hey, Griz here...

I'm gonna save the guilty here so there's no screaming and wailing in the corridors.

Jenny had recently completed her English Literature studies in Cambridge University.

Looks like her parents had spent some really heavy money educating the girl since around the age of 5 years old.

So, just like some parents, they hand over the reins of their business to family members to run the business.

Qualified or not to run the thing, they just do it.

Jenny didn't want to become a fully fledged member of the family concern as she was interested in other things.

Now it just so happened that the father was not seeing eye-to-eye with the people he had hired to do the marketing work for him.

(Now isn't that an UNUSUAL happening - incompetent baboons dressed up as marketing geniuses!)

And in his desperation, he started fiddling with everything himself until he could hire the right person for the job, so he thought.

He'd spent a good few days putting together a promotion piece for his computer network business.

He was flat out exhausted.

Coming to the dinner table one evening, Jenny looked at him and said,
"father, you look awful, what's the matter?"

The father then went on to disclose what was going on in the business and how stressed and troubled he was.

Not only that, he went on to tell Jenny that he was making a right old hash of the marketing and written material he was thinking of mailing out.

Jenny asked to have a look at what type of work her father was doing. One thing led to another and Jenny insisted her father let her write the mailings and promotional pieces.

"Dad, you've spent a whole lot of money sending me to private school and one of the top universities in the world, plus I know a great deal about the English Language and how to use words - this should be easy for me!"

Her father thought about and then figured why not, it's got to be better than his attempts.

Plus, he really 'couldn't' say NO to his daughter so he left it to her and told her when it had to be completed by.

When Jenny had completed her efforts, she handed it to her father. As Jenny was going to be visiting her aunt that same day, she told her father that she'll be back in a weeks time.

A week had passed and it was time for Jenny to return.

Her father was in a dilemma.

The dilemma was whether to tell Jenny that the work she'd handed him was probably the worse results he'd got back from his marketing, or to tell her that her work was great!?

Before he had another moment to think, Jenny burst through the doors with a joyful happy smile.

"Hi, I'm back... how did the marketing go dad?"

Her father stopped for a second and then said, "oh, it was great dear, er, thanks a lot for your help!"

What Jenny's father didn't realise was he had just given Jenny the green GO signal to delve even further into creating the written and promotional work for his company.

The blithering fool.

For whatever reason, this kept on for several months. And it all came to a head when the many, new, business loans, couldn't be paid back.

Now isn't that something?

Good sales writing is different from any other type of creative writing.

And it's ABSOLUTELY different from what you'll find in the English Literature books!

If you have a business and a member of your family says they want to create the writing and marketing for your business, hand them a copy of the resource you find below and tell them to make all the money they can for you with it!

That's because you'll never ever have to worry about whether they can write or not - it's 90% done for you!

Until next time, go make money!


Picked up your FREE copy of the 7 Dead Easy Ways to Make A Bundle Of Profit From Your Small Business? If not, you can do so when you wind your way over to