If you've seen it, there's a video where two Internet marketers have gone to Anthony Robbins to ask 'WHY AREN'T SOME OF THOSE WHO BUY OUR STUFF, doing well and making money?
Well, Dunderheads...
It's because they're not ready to, yet.
I mean it's simple, as it is remarkable as it is pathetic.
Two grown men, respected, making a bunch of cash - now not knowing why others don't get, what they, do.
And why go to Robbins?
I mean really. Why?
He gets so hyper in to what he's saying that people forget the question they wanted answers to.
And look, why go to such complicated lengths to get a simple answer they didn't even get?
Papers with sketches and all linking back to each other with those 4 boxes with lines and all that.
And yes, there'll be people falling all over themselves for this 4 boxes and wondering how to get it and then fit it into their lives to make lasting change.
Because, give people another bit of paper and another 'secret formula', they'll be off hunting for that!
Here's the frickin' lowdown.
If you're doing something successful and you're achieving, look at the opposite of all that and you'll get your answer as to why people aren't doing good.
I mean, that's easy to figure out by now, isn't it?
And how long to we want to go on 'figuring this out?'
If we're not getting a result we want, we don't want it.
If we want to get on a plane and go to another country, we'll do it. If we don't want to get on a plane and go, we won't.
How bloody basic do we want to get!!
When we want it, we'll get the result.
Simple baby stuff blown out of all proportion.
And of course - you can apply this baby step technology to ANYTHING that you feel has GOT YA BY THE SCRUBLES!
Of course, I may be a little on the grumpy side as I'm writing this though c'mon... this idiocy and pretending we 'don't know' ... let's be adult and give this shenanigan ride, a miss... shall we?
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Thursday, 13 August 2009
No Goofy Marketing Quack Required
Hey... I've a plan. And it's a devious and cunning plan.
Wanna here it?
Good, because I thought about sharing it with you.
Okay, here it is.
Let's play a game where we get a customer and we sellthem what we have to offer, and then, we keep them in a sweet fence where they can't get out!
Hold on, that's not the end of it. There's more...
And, time and again, we'd feed them new, nourishing offers and products and services so in that way, even if we took the fence away, they'd still want to comeback to us because we gave them good stuff to stay connected to us...
You in for that game... wanna run something like that for your business?
Of course, that's how ALL business should be run ANYWAY... but, they're not.
How easy is it for you and I to keep I touch with our friends and family? Pretty easy right. I mean, there are all these gizmos and techno gadgetsnowadays that if we can't meet in person, we CAN 'meet'.
So why the heck we don't do that with the people whocan change our financial situation (our customers)... is bloody beyond me! I mean, keeping in contact and following up, is what...EASY.
Frig. And we don't do it (keep in contact & follow up)and we then complain, bitterly, bitterly, about how business isn't too good or how it could be better!
So let's sweetly remove ourselves from the bitter bickering, victim society and let's instead, get acunning plan going where we... GASP... keep in touch with our customers and prospects on a timely,inviting and non threatening way!
Yes, let's do that instead.
And, here's something wild and fancy; let's take the bolt of the fence and see if they come back?
My god!! We'll be marketing and business geniuses if we can make that happen! And as you'll soon see - IT IS EASY and we WILL be seen as marketing geniuses.
I hope you can see my dear business friend, you don'tneed a marketing quack to walk in to your businessand start tinkering around, only to give you some goofy speech full of jargon, garbage and nonsense that'll most likely wreck your business.
Do the stuff in this post and you'll be singing with the birds and spending your newfound money like a demented demon.
And here's the wickedly good resource that'll helpyou sleep like a baby at night because you knowyour business is in great hands - YOUR HANDS!
Go ahead, make more mone.y with it! http://tinyurl.com/nehzv6
Wanna here it?
Good, because I thought about sharing it with you.
Okay, here it is.
Let's play a game where we get a customer and we sellthem what we have to offer, and then, we keep them in a sweet fence where they can't get out!
Hold on, that's not the end of it. There's more...
And, time and again, we'd feed them new, nourishing offers and products and services so in that way, even if we took the fence away, they'd still want to comeback to us because we gave them good stuff to stay connected to us...
You in for that game... wanna run something like that for your business?
Of course, that's how ALL business should be run ANYWAY... but, they're not.
How easy is it for you and I to keep I touch with our friends and family? Pretty easy right. I mean, there are all these gizmos and techno gadgetsnowadays that if we can't meet in person, we CAN 'meet'.
So why the heck we don't do that with the people whocan change our financial situation (our customers)... is bloody beyond me! I mean, keeping in contact and following up, is what...EASY.
Frig. And we don't do it (keep in contact & follow up)and we then complain, bitterly, bitterly, about how business isn't too good or how it could be better!
So let's sweetly remove ourselves from the bitter bickering, victim society and let's instead, get acunning plan going where we... GASP... keep in touch with our customers and prospects on a timely,inviting and non threatening way!
Yes, let's do that instead.
And, here's something wild and fancy; let's take the bolt of the fence and see if they come back?
My god!! We'll be marketing and business geniuses if we can make that happen! And as you'll soon see - IT IS EASY and we WILL be seen as marketing geniuses.
I hope you can see my dear business friend, you don'tneed a marketing quack to walk in to your businessand start tinkering around, only to give you some goofy speech full of jargon, garbage and nonsense that'll most likely wreck your business.
Do the stuff in this post and you'll be singing with the birds and spending your newfound money like a demented demon.
And here's the wickedly good resource that'll helpyou sleep like a baby at night because you knowyour business is in great hands - YOUR HANDS!
Go ahead, make more mone.y with it! http://tinyurl.com/nehzv6
Monday, 3 August 2009
English Literature Grad Screws Up Father's Business
Hey, Griz here...
I'm gonna save the guilty here so there's no screaming and wailing in the corridors.
Jenny had recently completed her English Literature studies in Cambridge University.
Looks like her parents had spent some really heavy money educating the girl since around the age of 5 years old.
So, just like some parents, they hand over the reins of their business to family members to run the business.
Qualified or not to run the thing, they just do it.
Jenny didn't want to become a fully fledged member of the family concern as she was interested in other things.
Now it just so happened that the father was not seeing eye-to-eye with the people he had hired to do the marketing work for him.
(Now isn't that an UNUSUAL happening - incompetent baboons dressed up as marketing geniuses!)
And in his desperation, he started fiddling with everything himself until he could hire the right person for the job, so he thought.
He'd spent a good few days putting together a promotion piece for his computer network business.
He was flat out exhausted.
Coming to the dinner table one evening, Jenny looked at him and said, "father, you look awful, what's the matter?"
The father then went on to disclose what was going on in the business and how stressed and troubled he was.
Not only that, he went on to tell Jenny that he was making a right old hash of the marketing and written material he was thinking of mailing out.
Jenny asked to have a look at what type of work her father was doing. One thing led to another and Jenny insisted her father let her write the mailings and promotional pieces.
"Dad, you've spent a whole lot of money sending me to private school and one of the top universities in the world, plus I know a great deal about the English Language and how to use words - this should be easy for me!"
Her father thought about and then figured why not, it's got to be better than his attempts.
Plus, he really 'couldn't' say NO to his daughter so he left it to her and told her when it had to be completed by.
When Jenny had completed her efforts, she handed it to her father. As Jenny was going to be visiting her aunt that same day, she told her father that she'll be back in a weeks time.
A week had passed and it was time for Jenny to return.
Her father was in a dilemma.
The dilemma was whether to tell Jenny that the work she'd handed him was probably the worse results he'd got back from his marketing, or to tell her that her work was great!?
Before he had another moment to think, Jenny burst through the doors with a joyful happy smile.
"Hi, I'm back... how did the marketing go dad?"
Her father stopped for a second and then said, "oh, it was great dear, er, thanks a lot for your help!"
What Jenny's father didn't realise was he had just given Jenny the green GO signal to delve even further into creating the written and promotional work for his company.
The blithering fool.
For whatever reason, this kept on for several months. And it all came to a head when the many, new, business loans, couldn't be paid back.
Now isn't that something?
Good sales writing is different from any other type of creative writing.
And it's ABSOLUTELY different from what you'll find in the English Literature books!
If you have a business and a member of your family says they want to create the writing and marketing for your business, hand them a copy of the resource you find below and tell them to make all the money they can for you with it!
That's because you'll never ever have to worry about whether they can write or not - it's 90% done for you!
Until next time, go make money!
Picked up your FREE copy of the 7 Dead Easy Ways to Make A Bundle Of Profit From Your Small Business? If not, you can do so when you wind your way over to www.SmallBusinessOwnerMarketing.com
I'm gonna save the guilty here so there's no screaming and wailing in the corridors.
Jenny had recently completed her English Literature studies in Cambridge University.
Looks like her parents had spent some really heavy money educating the girl since around the age of 5 years old.
So, just like some parents, they hand over the reins of their business to family members to run the business.
Qualified or not to run the thing, they just do it.
Jenny didn't want to become a fully fledged member of the family concern as she was interested in other things.
Now it just so happened that the father was not seeing eye-to-eye with the people he had hired to do the marketing work for him.
(Now isn't that an UNUSUAL happening - incompetent baboons dressed up as marketing geniuses!)
And in his desperation, he started fiddling with everything himself until he could hire the right person for the job, so he thought.
He'd spent a good few days putting together a promotion piece for his computer network business.
He was flat out exhausted.
Coming to the dinner table one evening, Jenny looked at him and said, "father, you look awful, what's the matter?"
The father then went on to disclose what was going on in the business and how stressed and troubled he was.
Not only that, he went on to tell Jenny that he was making a right old hash of the marketing and written material he was thinking of mailing out.
Jenny asked to have a look at what type of work her father was doing. One thing led to another and Jenny insisted her father let her write the mailings and promotional pieces.
"Dad, you've spent a whole lot of money sending me to private school and one of the top universities in the world, plus I know a great deal about the English Language and how to use words - this should be easy for me!"
Her father thought about and then figured why not, it's got to be better than his attempts.
Plus, he really 'couldn't' say NO to his daughter so he left it to her and told her when it had to be completed by.
When Jenny had completed her efforts, she handed it to her father. As Jenny was going to be visiting her aunt that same day, she told her father that she'll be back in a weeks time.
A week had passed and it was time for Jenny to return.
Her father was in a dilemma.
The dilemma was whether to tell Jenny that the work she'd handed him was probably the worse results he'd got back from his marketing, or to tell her that her work was great!?
Before he had another moment to think, Jenny burst through the doors with a joyful happy smile.
"Hi, I'm back... how did the marketing go dad?"
Her father stopped for a second and then said, "oh, it was great dear, er, thanks a lot for your help!"
What Jenny's father didn't realise was he had just given Jenny the green GO signal to delve even further into creating the written and promotional work for his company.
The blithering fool.
For whatever reason, this kept on for several months. And it all came to a head when the many, new, business loans, couldn't be paid back.
Now isn't that something?
Good sales writing is different from any other type of creative writing.
And it's ABSOLUTELY different from what you'll find in the English Literature books!
If you have a business and a member of your family says they want to create the writing and marketing for your business, hand them a copy of the resource you find below and tell them to make all the money they can for you with it!
That's because you'll never ever have to worry about whether they can write or not - it's 90% done for you!
Until next time, go make money!
Picked up your FREE copy of the 7 Dead Easy Ways to Make A Bundle Of Profit From Your Small Business? If not, you can do so when you wind your way over to www.SmallBusinessOwnerMarketing.com
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
The Art of Money-Getting From A Wise Old Entrepreneurial Bird

"Whom!" you cry?... "isn't he that circus person or summink!"
Listen you blitherer, PT Barnum was a stonking money making genius. A showman. An entertainer. Some consider him the greatest Marketeer of all time.
D'ya hear that?
And do you know why he made his fortune?
Because he was daring and courageous. He was bold enough to carry his ideas to the end... that's what he did... he bloody well followed through on everything he thought was a great idea.
Nowadays, looks like most busines owners have either been given the wrong message or they're plain scared to follow an idea through to completion.
And something you may not fully be aware of is that Barnum made his fame in the Circus business, when he was a senior citizen! (Gawd, there's the dazzling spotlight time for me yet then!)
Before his adventures with The Greatest Show on Earth, he'd been everything from a lottery salesman, bestselling author, publisher, manager, public speaker... you name it, this man was doing it.
Oh, and he became a... millionaire!
And yes... that's over 100 years ago now. Bloody amazing.
And what's even more bloody amazing is that there was no Internet, no mobile phones, none of this techo gimmickery that drives me barmy. And Jeezus, everyone thinks that technology is the driver of everything!
What if the technology collapsed tomorrow. You know, Internet and all that... what then? How would you live? How would you reach your customers?
The same way BEFORE the Internet... write a bloody letter with an ink pen, slap it in an envelope, paste a stamp and send it on its way. That's what you go and do.
Okay, so I've gone off track, a little. Oh dear.
So, what Barnum used, to become the genius entrepreneur and millionaire, was his own skill, excitement and ingenuity. There's no airy fairy language to use here; Barnum went about doing the stuff that made him famous and rich.
Tell you what; the people I know who have businesses would LOVE to be rich and famous. But you know something, they're just too bloody scared to put their ideas to work.
Barnum started dirt poor. Got rich. Lost all his money. And got rich all over again.
And here's his genius...
What Barnum did was he wedged his name into the minds of his prospects because of wanting to step out from the horrible, ugly, mediocre majority - the majority who were also in the Circus and entertainment business.
Looks like a bloody good money making recipe to me.
Oh, and let's loosen that ridiculous grip we masterfully cast on ourselves when we say that we can't use the stuff of a circus nutcase to make our business better.
Doesn't matter WHAT nutcase you find; if they're making money and having a hell of a time doing it, (within the realms of decency) then for god- sake, drop your ego and hitch a bloody ride on their money-getting train and soak up everything you can... you ninny.
P.S If you want a money making education beyond compare - and at the same time you'd like to tell all those marketing consultants and ad agencies to 'shove it', get yourself a copy of There's a Customer Born Every Minute - PT Barnum's Amazing 10 Rings of Power - by Joe Vitale. It's pocket change and you can get it from Amazon.
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